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Board Minutes January, February,March,April,May,June,July,
Treasurer Reports January, February,March,April,May,June,July,

Membership Report

January, February,March,April,May,June,July,


Board Minutes

July 15, 2004, 7:00 PM at Canterbury Woods

1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:14 pm. Attending were Ron, David, Ken and Bruce.

2. AGENDA • Usual sequence.

3. MINUTES • Board Minutes of June 24, 2004 (no motion was heard to approve.)

4.1 Previous program evaluation on July 9. James Imanian presented a summary of his previous Security Presentation and added new details plus answering every question. Ken wondered if James would agree to send us the slides of his presentation to be posted on the CMoM web site.

4.2 Next month’s program plan: ANNOUNCE THE PICNIC!
August 13 • (Lab will be opened by substitute custodian)
Demonstration of Garage Band (with Scott's MIDI keyboard)?
Ron will call and confirm this with Scott. Bruce will arrive early to locate the substitute custodian.

4.3 Future program planning
September 10 • Designing Web Pages by Ken, Ron & Bruce.
Ron has downloaded Mozilla suite which includes the browser and editor.
Ken will design his text in AppleWorks to work with the program on the Macs in the lab.
It would be nice to have a new CD for all CMoM members with the latest versions of browsers being demonstrated.
Ken will supply a list of HTML reference sites or tutorials
David suggested a sequence: Ken first (simplest) and Ken last (with references)
Bruce will use the Netscape 7.0 on the Macs in the Lab, and also supply the source for purchasing (free) Netscape
Begin to advertise the MacWorld Bus

List of possible topics for future programs (from suggestions made by Marilyn last year:)
• Demo an HP printer paper kit to transfer a graphic onto a T-shirt during the meeting.
• How to find resources on the Internet to find answers to computer questions
• Description of viruses and worms and protection programs
• Ask everyone present what they would like to see for presentations and programs.
• Complete web site program by showing how to upload the finished web sites.

October 8 • (Annual Membership Renewal Meeting) Perhaps Computer Works could present the new 30” monitor. Request Heinz Hubler to present the Membership Benefits. Have a really good Drawing Prize and refreshments.

November 12 • (Followup meeting to upload designed web pages) David is working on the server software to enable each person to upload their web site to their own folder on CMoM web site. Or if not, everyone could backup their work in the lab by several alternatives. (1) upload work from each computer station to one computer in the lab, perhaps store it on someone’s laptop or burn one CD with everyone’s work. Or (2) show each person how to burn their own--or the collective work--on their own computer station. REM: must supply enough blank CDs.

December 10 • Open Source software? Ken mentioned a friend who is using “’Lindows”. The board members will look around to see if there are free alternatives to Word or other commercial software programs.

January 7, 2005 • Mac World Bus

February 11, 2005 • “Word Processor Face Off “
Malcolm = Nicis; Someone = Word 2004; Ken = AppleWorks; Ron = Open Office?

March 11, 2005- ?

April 8, 2005 - James will be asked to return for an update and Q & A including events and information we would need to know.

5.1 Report on the recycling of computer equipment from Palma High School. David and Ron met and found redundant computers and printers to be moved out of the classroom. May move items to David’s apartment on Saturday July 24th after 1:00 pm.

6. VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT • No report. Sent regrets.

7.1 Bruce forwarded recent "Apple User Group Bulletin" to every Board Member suggesting we each subscribe.

7.2 Bruce maintains communication with MBUG. CMoM needs to provide volunteers to support the picnic on August 29th. Participation may be to help set up; provide donations for the auction; help cook the burgers; purchase and serve the wine (as done last year); and clean up.

7.3 SEND VOLUNTEER DATA TO DAVID WHO WILL FORWARD OUT TO EVERYONE including the request to bring your $3 to Friday’s Gen Meeting, or $5 at the picnic.

8. TREASURER’S REPORT • Email report.
8.1 July’s balance = $945.78 with $50 of that in petty cash.

8.2 Ken asked, “where is our money going?” Discussion included asking for a summary or report listing the expenses. an annual budget is still a good idea.


9.1 Membership report as of 16 June, 2004: The database is up to date. There are now 151 entries in the database. 53 current members. 4 members who have not yet responded to the email I sent.. 26 are past members. 68 are guests. Sent send 1 reminder email for June. No New Members this past meeting. Several member card are ready to be picked up.

9.2 Ken offered to generate a spreadsheet with a history of membership and attendance. He also offered send the database as tab delimited to import as a database or spreadsheet.

10.1 Post "sponsored" relationship with MC Squared on CMoM web site when info is available. Hold off until hearing from Heinz.

10.2 David generated a beautiful CMoM poster with his Epson 1280.

10.3 David is ready to post “upcoming events” on the CMoM web site.

11. AMBASSADOR REPORT - No report. Sent regrets by email.

12.1 Develop strategy to fill unfilled positions: Program Chair (elected); Refreshments Chair and Librarian (volunteers) RON offers to buttonhole anyone who is pointed out to him.

12.2 Develop strategy for determining what CMoM members want to see at general meetings for programs and social events

12.3  Announce and send email to members asking for volunteers to get involved in our "Mac Rehab SIG"

12.4 Announce and send email to members for them to send sources of cool sites to visit, and for sources of free and shareware software, and also software updates to: “” Eric can organize them into the ”Top Ten” each month.  Invite Eric to the August Board meeting. Ron will

13.1 Heinz Hubler was expected to report on confirming CMoM Member Benefits at Borders, Kinkos, MC Squared, photo shops, and others. He will be asked to come to the August board meeting for a report. Ron will send email requesting him to attend.

13.2 Announce and send email to members asking if anyone is interested in pursuing application for 501(c)(3) status for CMoM. Ron suggested email members about this, such as, “Can you help us? Anyone with experience with adding the (c)(3) status to our current nonprofit status willing to help us pursue this, please reply.

13.3 Continue discussion of sources of more-costly monthly "Members Only Benefit Prizes of Value" , and purchase of less-costly Door Prizes for everyone.


15. ADJOURNMENT at 9:00 pm

November 12, 2004
Canterbury Woods Pacific Grove, CA

1. CALL TO ORDER • Meeting called to order at 9:23 pm. Present were: Ron, Suzi, Bruce, Ken, Jerry, David and Eric.

2. AGENDA • Regular sequence approved.

3. MINUTES • Board Minutes of 19 August 04 were not available. Board Minutes of 21 October 04 were approved as written and sent by Emil.

4. PROGRAM REPORT (Gotta GetOne was not present)
4.1 Previous program evaluation this evening. • Hardware displayed by Computer Works included a 23-inch and 30-inch LCD screen connected to a Dual G5; the new 17-inch iMac; and a whole set of original and and new iPods. • Refreshments were brought by Dick Brennan provided a good time for networking • Sign ups for Mac World during the break. Cost announced was $20 for member, $25 non member who doesn't want to join, and $40 for full membership. Suzi asked for information to be sent to Adult School Principal to announce this offer. The designated Emil address will be <> David will send out an Emil with up-to-date responses. • Ken and David agreed that when more than 24 passengers sign up, another van or bus will be rented. Jerry was directed to reserve the 24 passenger bus ASAP. Bruce asked about any deadline for reserving an additional 7- or 15 passenger van. • Heinz Hubler read some information about what he is working on, such as 10% discount at Greene's Camera World, and 20% at Borders, and others which he announced. David will post these on the CMoM website.

4.2 Next month’s program plan for December 11: • Final signups for the MacWorld Bus. Payment is expected at this time. • Eric will have selected numerous freeware and shareware software to be burned on a CMoM CD for December, 2004. • Ron has more than 50 blank CDs . Plan for Scot to burn 25 CDs, just enough for those present at the December meeting. • David suggested bringing "White Elephant" gifts for fun, for those who wish to participate. Bring computer things, an inexpensive gift or a software package, a bottle of wine: use your imagination. • Suzi will write the rules, such as "Number Two gets to choose the gift of Number One", and "Three Strikes", etc. We will meet in the lab. • Dick Brennan will set up refreshments in the Multiuse Room. He could bring apple cider and packages of hot chocolate powder . Suzi offered to bring Christmas cookies (bring enough to leave some in the Adult School Staff Room.)

January 14: • Mac World Bus to Moscone Center in San Francisco. Reservations and payments are to have been made in December. • Conclude with Pizza Party and cola drinks in the MultiUse room. • Show digital photos via iPhoto on the video projector inn the Lab

February 11: “Word Processor Face Off” ?? • New possibility: "Printers Compared" • David proposed a program with a representative at CTB who is a specialist with ink jet printers. • Ron knows someone who knows about laser printers.

March 11: "Tips and Tricks and Q&A"?? • New possibility: "Apple Script". Someone (Program Chair Gotta GetOne? ) will need to ask Cheryl Jencks or Allen Bottorff if they could present a program showing how to write and use scripts.

List of possible topics for future programs (from suggestions made by Marilyn last year:)
• Demo an HP printer paper kit to transfer a graphic onto a T-shirt during the meeting.
• How to find resources on the Internet to find answers to computer questions
• Description of viruses and worms and protection programs
• Ask everyone present what they would like to see for presentations and programs.
• How to make a "DVD from a VCR" • Someone (Program Chair Gotta GetOne? ) will need to ask Dave Powell if he will show how input digital video into iMovie then import into iDVD. Additional hardware is needed to translate analog video into digital video.

5. PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Ron Brunet) • Ron requested reimbursement for two large laptop cases, one small laptop case, two CD cases and one fanny pack, for a total expense ( to be emailed to Jerry.) • Jerry mentioned talking to Ron's' wife about the possibility of embroidering a "CMoM" logo on a sweatshirt , perhaps a dozen of them to "sell" for a donation . Ron asked us to look for a source of quality sweatshirts.

6. VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Suzi Bluford) • Reported on some items which might become inexpensive Door Prizes. She demonstrated several free samples. including a portable retractible telephone cord ($2.69); a luggage tag; and recommended a stopwatch. • Suzi was authorized to investigate the total costs to purchase the telephone cord device. Costs include set-up cost which can be saved and reused for other items.

7. SECRETARY’S REPORT ( Bruce Belknap) • Following up last month's question about where CMOM is located on the User Group website, Bruce accessed the "User Group Locator" web pages and printed several pages with the results. We are listed with about 20 User Groups found "within 100 miles" of zip code "93940". Bruce is listed as the Contact Person with embedded Emil address, <>. • The Board suggested replacing this contact with <> so we would all receive the occasional Emil posted from there. • Ron will ask if there is an active Macintosh user group in Santa Cruz area.

8. TREASURER’S REPORT (Jerry Gifford) • Current balance is $1,168.98. No recent expenditures. Additional money was collected at the General Meeting this evening, some to be deposited from three new members and other money deposited for the MacWord Bus. David has the list to confirm which was which. • Bruce suggested that CMoM could use a budget, but Ken challenged the idea, recommending just a list the history of expenditures. • Jerry can capture the general history from current software and send it to us as a PDF. • Jerry asked for a software program that would make it easier to document than the current software he has inherited. • It was suggested that Alex should get a Christmas present of about $20 in value. Look for something that could be wrapped up for him.

9. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Ken Morley) • Membership report as of 12 Nov 2004:
The database is up to date. There are now 154 entries in the database. • 45 current members ( up to date). • 8 members who are due have not yet responded to the emails • 4 members who are due and said will pay. • 39 are past members. • 67 are guests. • Sent 5 reminder emails for November. • Zero New Member this last meeting. • 8 Membership cards made for folks who have paid. • 3 cards ready to be paid for.

10. WEB SITE REPORT (David Patterson) • David left early. Next month he may present a cost estimate for specific items needed to upgrade Macs for the Community Service program to donate computers.

11. AMBASSADOR REPORT (Scott Cote) • Following Emil report: "For the Ambassador report, there is not much to report on as there have been no freebies from Apple in the last 6 months... We should be getting Tiger when it comes out, as well as some others..."

• Benefits (Heinz Hubler): • Bruce had been requested by Heinz to present his statement that he is still working on developing more Member Benefits. • Heinz offered to share his new "GRAPHADELICS" catalog with anyone who would like one, then call him at home.
• CD Guy (Eric Frith): • Eric brought a sample CD with numerous programs burned on, many from MacAddict magazine. • Eric asked for specific guidance for how to organize the description and titles of the programs. Suzi suggested categories such as utilities,games, graphics, productivity, etc. Ron suggested making folders with the categories from each month. Perhaps a "ReadMe" TextEdit document would contain the program descriptions. • Ken suggested that we could look at the programs, then write to Eric and suggest that he could include our own opinion along with the description. • Bruce will follow up by sending to the Board a summary of instructions (found in a MacHome magazine) for how to print a contents of a folder.
• Librarian (Susan Tarleton): • Bruce has the containers at home and is ready to hand off to Susan the previous CMoM Librarian's books and pages of old Emil
• Refreshments (Dick Brennan):
• Web Monkey (Reka Siegel):
• Communication/Email Person (Not Selected)

13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS • How to get a Program Chair!


15. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING • Re-examine positions which were voluntary in past years, and have subsequently become board voting positions.

16. ADJOURNMENT • The Board Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 pm.





Treasurer Reports



Membership Report