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Board Minutes January, February,March,April,May,June,July,
Treasurer Reports January, February,March,April,May,June,July,
Membership Report Current

Also see: CMoM Sign-in sheets (pdf)
Also see:
General Meeting script for the M.C. (pdf)
Also see: Board Meeting Agenda format (text) for President or Vice-President
Also see: CMoM graphics & logos (for internal club use only)
Also see: Appleworks spreadsheet to generate random numbers for drawing the prize
Also see: Summmary of CMoM bus trip to MacWorld in January 2007 (pdf)
Also see: Estimated cost of bus to MacWorld in January 2008 (pdf)
Also see: Proposed Problem-Solving Form by CMoM Volunteers

Board Minutes

Notes from October 12, 2007

Hillary did a terrific job presenting iPhoto '08 for more than an hour. She enlightened and entertained about 25 members and guests in the audience. And promoted her Open Lab on Saturdays.

Board members attending: Ron, Jerry (who brought refreshments from Dick Brennan), Bruce (as M/C.)

No formal Board meeting. Ron suggested contacting the man in the front row who spoke up so positively about the power use of Graphic Converter. Ron thinks we could persuade him--and other volunteers from the audience--to present how they use Graphic Converter at next month's meeting.

After the break, there were still more than 20 members and guests who asked lotsa questions. Ron and Jerry had good answers and information to share for at least 45 minutes right up to 9:00 pm. The door prize went to the "Graphic Converter guy." (I hope he was a member!) Jerry has one of the sign in lists. The other list of names was for Hillary who requested signatures in order to collect ADA for the Adult School.

Hillary specifically requested me to present this item to the board. She wants us to consider returning to the Adult School Mac Lab on the second Friday of the month. The class(es) previously scheduled for that evening apparently have not worked out. Hillary assured me that the new Adult School Principal, Bob Harper is a great guy and would welcome us--when we sign in as students--because this number would be an asset in their funding.

The PGAE catalog lists Hillary's Lab as 9:00 -- 3:00 every Saturday. See

Incidentally, the PGAE catalog does NOT list our CMoM user group.


September 14, 2007
Meeting of CMoM Board, 9:15 PM

Present: Ron, Jerry, Ken

Ron is:
- working on getting a genealogy info from a women suggested by Jerry, not a Mac person but knowledgeable on sources in the field
- Jerry might do a little on genealogy software he has worked with
- trying to get Dick Cowell for a meeting
- will contact Hillary to see if she has a meeting she would like to do for us

Total attendance was 14


August 10, 2007
Meeting of CMoM Board, 9:20 pm, 10aug07

The regular meeting consisted of watching Steve Job presentation on what new from Apple and a short intro from Ron B on PrintFolio software. All felt it went well.

Future meetings (and MC)
Sept. 14. (Ken) --  Ron to do PrintFolio and Entourage
Oct. 12 (Bruce) -- Show what all can be done with Preview (OS 10.4) and where to find info and items for a Mac
Nov. 09 (Ron) or Dec. 14 (Jerry) -- maybe Genealogy

Susan T. has had to resign ( early Sat morning job). She has done a nice job.

The full treasurers report will be put online as soon as bank statement comes.

Bruce will work on grouping the topics on the list of "Help Needs" as developed by Jerry. For the list to be useful, it really needs to be a bit shorter.  Questions raised about how to present "members-helping-members" and local businesses which service Macs.

Bruce will delete out-of-date and unconfirmed benefits from the CMoM website. 

Ken will include in the monthly email a short note and link to one of the pages of the CMoM website.  Also to be presented at beginning or during breaks at meetings.

As Ambassador, Jerry is working to find out what he can about what 'goody material'.


July 13, 2007
Program reviews were excellent. Members seemed to enjoy our email programs presentation and the i-phone video.

Program suggestions: Genealogy, with hopes that Ron could follow through with presenter (Crowel?), but in case that doesn't surface, we will consider showing photo image sizing for emailing and Preview's ability to save in various formats. Importance and review of back-up procedures and bootable CD construction mentioned as future re-visited topic. 

Mention of Hilary Bennett receiving gratis membership for contributions. 
Action items;
Secretary is to inquire about CMOM ad in next PG school schedule.
Search code to be provided by Ken to Bruce for search feature on our site.
Treasurer to check with instructor at PG for possible presentation.

MC list: August Suzi . . Sept. Susan . . Oct. Bruce . . Nov. Ken . . Dec. Jerry

Regards, Susan Tarleton, Secretary

June 8, 2007
We had 3 for the Board meeting last night. I presented the two alternate Club web pages ideas as my favorite URLs. The few at the meeting seemed to like the Yahoo idea. Several were familiar with the concept. The Board will have to pass on it. Had one request for help. The problem was Quicken. I have no expertise there and no one else seemed to either. I think it was a good meeting. New websites introduced and the Q & A was informative. Learned some new stuff myself. ;-) Got lots of compliments on the Club website thanks, to a dedicated Webmaster.
-- Jerry

May 11, 2007:
Meeting Notes: Dave Powell found one program "DeFrag" to be so useful that he offered to write a review. That led to a discussed was how and where to post such information on our CMoM website. The name "informative links" was suggested. The Apple UG Newsletter would be continued to be sent by email.
Treasurer report: Secretary of State Letter, signed, paid, and sent. Canterbury internet usage paid for: $149 after new share distributed, and PO box decision to pay fee due now and change the name on it later.
Next month suggestions: Topic had been genealogy, with hopes that Ron could follow through with presenter, but in case that didn't surface, Maps, Google Earth, and possibly GPS? would take it's place.

April 13, 2007:
Next month: Tips and Tricks. Each Board member would, if agreed, supply five tips for the discussion and supply them to Bruce via email so he could put them on the web site for the members reference or provide handouts. Ron will be checking with Dick for upcoming Geneology topic for possible June topic. Also suggested that folks who are traveling around might want to combine their photos for a travel presentation using Mac software. Former ideas:, sales on Ebay, google auctions, email and filters, maps, Google earth, Expose. Susan

March 9, 2007:
File notes from CMoM Board
Attending: Ron, Bruce, Jerry, Suzi, Ken
Misssing: Susan, David

Next months program will be put together by Jerry and Ron. The topic to be an intro to the various "help forums" and "Apple/Mac discussions sites".

Programs suggested by Ron for
April ?? May ?? June ??

During the meeting Jerry brought up the question of a member forum. A guest suggested that we investigate "". It apparently can be password protected, so we could limit access to members. The Board members will look at it to see how it might fit our interests. We may want to use it as an answer board, a sales/extra stuff site, etc.

We decided to have Jerry talk with David to see if CW would trade the Linksys ranger for some closet storage in the Canterbury Room.

Ken will make a contact list of members ( name, phone, email ). First Ken will poll the members ( with email ) to allow them to "opt out" of such a list.

Ken will check to see that David Powell is listed as our Ambassador on Apple's Mac site.

Ron will be MC next month. At that time he will see if he can "recruit" a Benefits person for CMoM.

Bruce will contact Eric Frith to discuss with him a CMoM CD that will be limited to just one or a few topics.

( 9 Feb 07 )
Program evaluation: Good sharing, good presentations. Folks still finding it hard to hear.  

Program Planning
March: Notebook and El Gato
April: Help Forums and Help Sites
May: Geneology Search Info
June: Maps and Google

Our Board will contact their Board regarding internet share.
We willed our router to Canterbury Woods.
Discussed Forum creation and registration concerns. Gerry to forward sample forum urls to Ken and Ron.

Requested print out list of members.
Give-a-ways: to possibly store in Canterbury room. 
To check reimbursements for supplies_refreshments are made.

Mar 9 Suzi
Apr 13 Ron
May 11 Bruce
Jun 8 Jerry
Jul 13 Suzi
Aug 10 Ken

January 12, 2007: CMOM Notes from Secretary/Jan_07

Internet access fees discussed as a share with other parties. (The PC group, ourselves and Canterbury Woods)
We moved and seconded that we are willing to pay our yearly share once a year.
Suggestion: Keep costs to view for next year

Meeting ideas: Back-ups: like Super Duper (copies system hardwire) or firewire devices, external hard drives, etc. Leopard may have back-up capabilities.
How to do mapping, search engines
My favorite widget
Geneology software, ask the members if they would be interested in presenting their search ideas.

Website concerns:
Suggestion: Next meeting view Home Page on our site as screen capture for members to see.
Font issue on website in left column. ST looked it up. Flora bold looks the closest to me. Will send postscript font to Bruce.
Idea: Message Board consideration. Do we want one, how to maintain, etc.?
New Ambassador is David Powell.

Treasurer Reports

November/December 2007:Report-11_12-2007.pdf
October/November 2007: Report-10_11-2007.pdf
September/October 2007: Report-9_10-2007.pdf
August/September 2007: Report-8_9-2007.pdf
July/August 2007: Report-7_8-2007.pdf
June/July 2007: Report-6_7-2007.pdf
May/June 2007: Report-5_6-2007.pdf
March/April 2007: Report300-4_5-2007.pdf
February 2007: Report-2-2007.3.pdf
January 2007: Report-1-2007.pdf

Membership Report

CMoM history Nov07 (SS).pdf

Agenda Format


Random Number Generator

pick a number.cwk