Presentation to Club Mac of Monterey - July 9, 2010
by Tom Kelley

To use TeamViewer remote access program:

Download program from:
1. Open team viewer on client side
2. Open team viewer on master side
3. Give client ID to master side (normally by phone)
4. Enter client ID in master side
5. Give client password to master side
6. Enter client password in master side
7. You are connected!
8. Good for trouble shooting user errors, teaching, observing.
9. Extremely safe as the client has control at all times.
When connection is broken, a new set of passwords is generated.
Client can observe everything you are doing.
Sometimes hard for client to keep their hands off the keys.

Tune up your Mac:

1. Install all relevant current updates
2. Clean up your desk top - Minimum # of folders visible
3. Repair permissions
4. Start computer from original system disk and repair
5. Run DiskWarrior (skip repairing permissions)
6. Run Drive Genius repair program
7. Once a year optimize the drive, if you must

Recommended resources:– A great site for free updates
Onyx – a free disk utility program
DiskWarrior 4.2 by Alsoft ($100)
Drive Genius 3 by ProSoft ($100)

Tom Kelley